Right off the bat I want to thank all of you
for the enormous outpouring of gratitude when I revealed I
was going to continue to publish this newsletter.
I'm not going to write how I feel about that
outpouring of appreciation. I don't want to say something
that would seem maudlin, sappy, or smart ass. All I want to
say is this: Thank you. Thank you very much.
In that same newsletter, I mentioned I knew
approximately 15 secrets to make websites more profitable. I
also mentioned you would never learn these secrets from the
likes of John Reese, Corey Rudl, Marlon Sanders, Ken Evoy or any other Internet guru. Upon
rereading the last issue of my newsletter, I felt I could
have stated the last fact a little more intelligently.
I absolutely did NOT mean this in a
disparaging way.
John Reese is an Internet wizard. And indeed
knows a lot about making money on the Internet that I don't
have a clue about. I don't know Corey Rudl, Marlon Sanders
or Ken Evoy. But from what I hear, they are Internet
wizards also. They each have a great deal of Internet savvy
which I do not possess. In fact, I'll bet any of the
aforementioned individuals could buy and sell me 100 times
Actually, with all I've experienced in the
last few months, buying and selling me (currently) would not
be much of an achievement.
Remember when I told you I was going to tell Mark
Joyner one secret that would magnify the profitability of
almost any website? And remember how I told him he wouldn't
even have a clue about this particular secret?
Well, after I said that to a very skeptical
Mark, I asked him to take a little trip with me. I
live very close to a monster of a hotel ("The Grand") which
has 962 rooms and suites. In the lobby of this hotel there
is a grocery store, a newsstand, a men's clothing store, a
few other retail outlets, and a restaurant ("Los Gauchitos")
which serves the best steak I've eaten anywhere in the
There is also another rather small retail
store named "NICAMAKA". This particular store is owned by a
73-year-old man whom I consider to be a true Internet guru.
He used to own the world-famous Chesapeake Restaurant in the
Florida Keys. Anyway, after he sold that business, he began
traveling to Nicaragua frequently and discovered the workers
in that country created, what are quite possibly, the most
comfortable and luxurious hammocks in the world. He started
importing those hammocks to the United States and selling
them out of his little retail space in the lobby of "The
His name is Raymond Baur. And, believe it or
90% Of His Sales
Come From The Internet!
Can you imagine that? Here is a guy selling
hammocks on the Internet and selling so many, he is able
to provide a good lifestyle for himself and his two sons.
I took Mark over to Raymond's store and
explained that 90% of the sales from his store were actually
made from the
Internet. Mark was stunned, that is, until I
told him Ray's secret for getting all those Internet sales.
It's a secret I've known for a long time. But I never told
anyone else who owns a website about this particular secret.
As I said, Mark was stunned. He saw the reason this secret
worked immediately and he was shaking his head over the
simplicity of this secret. Mark said,
I'd like to give Raymond Baur and his store
"NICAMAKA" a plug in my newsletter. (By the way, some of
those stunning pictures of my girlfriend, Sirian, were taken
while she was posing in hammocks from his store.)
Anyway, he has two websites...
www.Nicamaka.com and
I'd like to suggest you go visit those websites and perhaps
even buy one of those hammocks (you'll LOVE it!) and mention
I referred you.
Now, as you already know, Mark and I are
teaming up to give a marketing seminar in June. Mark is an
extraordinary human being. Let me tell you a little about
Mark's a former U.S. Army officer and Cold
War veteran of Military Intelligence who has been awarded
for his service by the Korean Consulate General, the U.S.
Army, the Republic of Korea Army, and the President of the
United States.
He turned a fledgling one-man operation
(Aesop Marketing Corporation) into a thriving multi-million
dollar International corporation. Mark has sold untold
millions of dollars of products and services over the
Internet. He wrote the first seriously popular e-book,
"Search Engine Tactics" which was downloaded over one
million times by 1998, when he finally just stopped
Mark has been the marketing force behind
many top 100 web properties. One of them was his now-extinct
"StartBlaze.com" which became the #36 most visited website
on the planet within 6-weeks of its release.
His last print book, "Mind Control
Marketing" shot to #1 on Amazon.com in 48-hours, beating out
Rudy Giuliani's book, "Leadership", which was receiving
International publicity on CNN every 30-minutes.
Mark sold off his business a couple years
ago and now does limited private consulting for select
clients when he's not working on his upcoming print books or
philanthropic projects.
Here are a few comments made about Mark
Joyner by other people:
"Mark Joyner is the Tiger Woods of Internet
marketing. He is singularly skilled in demystifying online
marketing through the use of his unconventional tactics that
work." -
Mike Litman, Host of the International radio show,
"Business Breakthroughs"
"Mark Joyner is an International marketing
genius. If someone were to ask me 'how does one sell on the
'net?', I would reply, 'ask Mark Joyner. He is the best, no
question.'" - Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the "Guerilla
Marketing Series"
"Mark, I just want to say a real thank you
to you. Like Napoleon Hill studied the most successful
people in his era, I have studied you. I have diligently
applied your simple, yet effective marketing strategies and
principles to launch an overnight online success. I went
from $500 per month to $500 per day and I truly owe it all
to you." - Mike Filsaine, MikeFilsaine.com
"Mark is a genius. I was in the dark before
my consultation with him. Within one-hour he turned on the
light in my brain about my marketing, my website and even my
life's key direction. I was in the dark before my
consultation with him. I'm standing in the sun and beaming
now after that consultation. I'm astonished, smiling and
ever so grateful." - Dr. Joe Vitale (MrFire.com), #1
Best-Selling author of "Spiritual Marketing"
If I wanted to, I could give you the names
and extremely positive comments a huge number of other
individuals have written about Mark.
Mark is truly a unique human being. He
speaks Korean fluently (a surprisingly important factor for
an Internet marketer), he has lived in monasteries in India,
studied with Native American Shamans, and traveled as a
missionary throughout Africa. This does not even include all
of his adventures in the field of Military Intelligence,
which I cannot write about here.
If there is anything Mark Joyner does not
know about Internet marketing... I can't imagine what that
would be. And, I'd like to say (with
uncharacteristic immodesty) if there's anything I don't know
about conventional direct marketing... I can't imagine what
that would be.
As I wrote in an earlier newsletter, when
Mark and I first met in a Cuban restaurant in Bayside
Shopping Center in Miami, it was almost like an atomic
fusion. We were so excited about what we had to teach each
other, that there was Mark punching away with his stylus on
those microscopic buttons on his PDA as fast as he could. And there was
Sir Gary of Halbert, the self-proclaimed Master of Direct
Marketing, scribbling notes about what Mark was teaching me
as furiously as my hand could write on napkins, envelopes,
and whatever scraps of paper I could find.
When it comes to marketing, you know what
you've got when you mix Mark Joyner with Gary Halbert? I can
answer it for you in one word:
People who come to the Joyner/Halbert
seminar (no wait damn it! Let's call it the Halbert/Joyner
seminar) they are going to learn things about Internet and
conventional direct marketing that has never ever been
taught before.
Start thinking about it. Start getting ready
to come. I'll be publishing all the details in my newsletter
in the very near future.
In the meantime, be sure to read the new
posting on this website which will appear tomorrow... because...
it is going to contain an exciting piece of very good news
for many of you.
That's it for now.
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert